Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Click on the link to download Course Outlines: Psy 102 and Psy 202
Click here to view (IWP)
Teaching Approaches/Strategies Rubric
Floor Plan Rating Scale
Behaviour Modification Rubric

This course is designed with Learning Targets to help students to:
  1. Critically assess the importance of planning for teaching
  2. Design different types of plans to facilitate effective instruction
  3. Determine the appropriateness of various teaching strategies (co-operative learning and constructivism)
  4. Plan appropriate experiences for the varying needs of children in the classroom
  5. Demonstrate the ability to use effective questioning techniques in the teaching learning situation
  6. Discuss the various dimensions of classroom management
  7. Examine strategies for dealing with the variety of behaviours displayed in the classroom
  8. Apply appropriate strategies for dealing with inappropriate behaviours and for sustaining appropriate behaviours
  9. Identify various assessment techniques that may be utilized in the teaching/learning situation.
  10. Design different types of assessment instruments for use in the classroom

Course Assignments and Weighting

1) Coursework 40% 
2) Exam 60%