Unit 1.2 Planning for Instruction - Factors that Affect Planning

Factors Influencing Planning

There are some factors that influence planning such as student's needs and interest; the objectives especially those within the different cognitive levels; the nature of the subject content and the time and resources available. 

The following image represents one or two of these factors and others.

Department of Teacher Education. (2014). Hot Tips Handbook. Antigua: Antigua State College

Hansley, K. (2013). Factors that Influence Instructional Planning [Prezi Presentation]. Retrieved January 4, 2017, from https://prezi.com/ut4thijwiykj/factors-that-influence-instructional-planning/# 

Discuss among each other what are two factors that influence planning and why. Do this by posting comments and replying to comments. 


  1. The content of the plan is important as it relates to the age of the students and their capability to achieve the objectives of the lesson, the teacher must be able to use adequate teaching strategies to meet all the students needs. Material & Resources are essential when planning its the means of gathering information for the plan, a lack of material and access to resource will limit the students success.

    1. Yes I agree material and resources must be considered because without them it can limit the success of our students.

    2. The material and resources are really essential for the effective planning for lessons.I like the point.

    3. yes i agree that materials and resources are essential but the lack thereof can foster some sort of creativity on the part of the teacher as they now have to get new /different ways of getting the information across

  2. When planning a lesson certain factors should influence the plan such as the cognitive levels and interests of the students in your class. This should be done to enhance the learning experience and meet the needs of all your students in the classroom.

    1. These factors have great impact on planning because it affects the student overall performance.

  3. Two factors that influence planning and why are 1. The Teacher 2. The Content
    It is important for the teacher to have some knowledge or skills of the subject matter in order to effectively communicate their knowledge to their students. In reference to the content the teacher ensures that the necessary skills and strategies are used to meet the needs of each student

    1. I believe that the knowledge and skills the teacher will seriously impact whether or not the students needs are met.

  4. Two factors the influence planning are the content of the lesson and the environment the student are in.

    The content should be appropriate, clear and coherent for the students and students should feel comfortable in their environment to promote effective learning.

    1. totally agree and having a classroom environment conducive to learning is way more important that teachers tend to realize

  5. The Teacher
    When planning a lesson ask yourself "Who am I?" "What do I know?" "How do I teach effectively?" This will help you as a teacher know what your strengths and weaknesses are.
    The Learner
    Think about the students in your class and ask yourself "What do the students know?" "How do the students want to learn?" Asking these questions will help when planning your lessons to best benefit your students.

    1. I agree!. Also as it relates to the teacher we must take into consideration the skills. Am i competent in this particular area? Do i need to do more research so that i can effectively transfer information to my students? I think that skills are so important and as teachers we must find ways to constantky upgrade our skills.

    2. appreciate your point of view as it relates to the topic as the role of teacher is often disregarded or looked over during lesson planning.

  6. In planning a lesson for the effectiveness of that lesson and for students to learn or grasp the information, teacher must at least have the knowledge of the content and how he or she should outline the objectives within the content for the students learning. There are various factors that should be taken into consideration when planning instructions and also the advantages and disadvantages of how or what the factors can contribute to the teacher and students alike. However the effectiveness of the management of the factors will give the teacher the assurance of the students development and reaction to how the students will learn. The appropriate use of clarity and coherent of the lesson promote students interest. During the planning of the lesson the students interests, age, and how beneficial the lesson should be is required to create an effective lesson thus sparking the students needs and interest. To address the lesson also the teacher can however put herself in the students place, asking what do i like/ How do i make the lesson exciting? who am i catering for? This will allow the teacher to then prepare her plan in a more effective and concise manner.

  7. PSY 201 – Managing Instruction & Classroom Dynamics at the Secondary Level

    Reflection #1: “Factors That Affect Planning For Instruction”

    Two factors that influence planning for instruction are time and motivation.

    When teachers engage in lesson planning careful thought must be given to the issue of ‘time’ from several perspectives: time as it relates to the duration of the lesson and time allotted for each aspect of the lesson – the activities, practice, feedback, assessment etc.; time as it relates to the curriculum, the unit plan – are topics being covered within the prescribed time-frame or is enough time being allotted to deal with a particular topic based on the unit plan or the curriculum; time as it relates to the scheduling of the subject on the timetable (if the subject is the first subject for the day or if it will be after lunch or at the end of the day when students are likely to be tired or inattentive).

    Another key factor is motivation. Motivation on the part of both the teacher and the student.

    “Teacher’s attitude determines students’ behaviour.” The level of motivation in the teacher will be evident in the teacher’s attitude from the planning stage of the lesson to the end of that lesson.
    If the teacher is not motivated then the level of effort that goes into planning will ultimately determine the outcome of the instruction given. When the lessons are carefully, thoughtfully and strategically planned then this will be evident in the overall management of the classroom as well as the mood/climate.

    Students are very perceptive and the teacher’s level of motivation will ‘infect’ them. If the teacher is usually early, always prepared and delivers the content of the lesson enthusiastically, then the students will be driven to mimic the teacher and become even more interested in the subject area and the learning process itself. The end-result will be an increase in intrinsic motivation in the students.

    1. time and motivation are both very important factors although some teachers tend to manage their time more than they care to motivate students. some students only means of motivation comes from school and we as educators need to make sure that when students seem timid or troubled wee offer sincere words of motivation which could be life changing.

  8. Two factors that may influence planning for instruction are Resources and attitude.
    Resources play a key role in lesson planning. The resources must be appropriate for the topic as well as the learners that are being taught. For example the materials used must be something that students are able to quickly learn how to use. The resources must be accessible or available to the teacher as well as the learners. For example if texts are needed for research purposes these must be available for both teacher and students. Teachers must also take into consideration alternative resources when planning in the event the needed resources or the first preference resource is unable to be sourced.
    The other factor would be attitude. When planning for instruction teachers are encouraged to have a positive attitude toward the subject being taught. This is so because the teacher will be willing to plan and do so effectively. In addition to this teachers must also have a positive attitude towards their students, so as to efficiently perform tasks and are able to motivate students so as to have successful ongoing lessons. The students' attitudes may also be a factor when planning for instruction teachers are able to plan effectively for future lessons if they have in mind the students' attitudes towards the subject, other classmates as well as the teacher. This will give the teacher an idea of how they can adjust or make suitable plans for the classes ahead if they are aware of the students' attitude.

    1. I agree that resources play a critical role in planning for instruction. Without the proper resources , learning can be threatened. For example I find that we lack alot of technological resources in our schools that can be an asset to learning. As a foreign language teacher a projector is vital and yet I have no access to one. Thanks for sharing

  9. Environment and learning activities are two factors that influence planning for instructions. Teachers need to provide a safe, engaging learning environment for his/her students, which will help to enhance their learning. When planning for learning activities teachers should not always think about what to teach, but plan activities to reach students with different learning styles.

    1. I do agree that a good environment is effective for learning along with differentiation lesson

  10. Two factors that influence planning for instruction are:

    1.Methods- the strategies/approach a teacher uses to teach will ultimately determine whether learning will occur for each student with their different abilities. It will also showcase to the students other ways of getting the same objectives achieved that can move away from the talk and chalk method to using more hands-on and engaging techniques.

    2.Students-knowing your students is very important when planning for instruction. Teachers need to be aware of their background, their attention span, their skill set and the level of work they can handle. In doing so the teacher can them plan appropriate lessons to match student abilities.

  11. Two factors which influence planning for instruction are: 1. The Students and 2: The Learning objectives. The students influence planning for instruction because their background, learning styles, skills and attitude vary and as such should be considered since students are the ones who would be the recipients of the instruction. Secondly, The Learning Objectives influences planning for instruction because it outlines what exactly teachers are going to teach and what they expect the students to learn. The objects should also be guided by the curriculum which set out what teachers are suppose to teach the students. Hence both factors discussed above should always be considered when teachers are planning for instruction.

    1. Learning objectives really play a big path ! Just like we are lost without maps , learning objectives act as a guide for facilitatrs and strudents to ensure that everyone is on the right path. Also I'm glad that you added that the attitudes of students can affect planning. I had the learner as a factor and completely forgot that aspect.We as teachers are faced with varying peersonalities and attitudes of different students toward work , the teacher and their peers. We must take this into consideration when planning to avoid chaos and classroom disruptions

  12. Two factors that influence planning for instruction are : 1) learner and 2) the method.

    The learner - they are of paramount importance in bringing about change and ensuring that the learning objectives are realized.Acording to the cognitive perspective of learning each student has previous knowlege.It is therefore important that as teachers we relate new concepts to what students already know so that information can be easily assimilated.If this isn't done the learnig of new concepts can be challebging and confusing.
    Addtionally,the learning styles and needs of the learner can also affect planning. We must plan to cater to the needs of every student.Students may be at different cognitive levels and more often than not a class comprises of mixed abilities and multiple intelligence.

    Method - the strategies and approaches that tecahers use to deliver the content are crucial to learning. These strategies and approaches must match learning styles and needs to encourage active participation and to aid in meaningful learning and understanding.Therefore a class with mixed abilities demands the need of different approaches and strategies.For example in a foreign class with auditory , visual and kinesthetic learners , the teacher may want to utilize the total physical response, thedirect method and the communicative approach.If the approriate
    strategies aren't utilized and approaches aren't used to accomodate every learner, some of the students will get left behind.

  13. Two factors affecting planning for instruction are:
    1) Strategies- teachers need to plan lessons with differentiation, catering for all types of learners and keeping lessons interactive so that students are not bored, lost or inattentive.

    2) Readiness Level- the content should be coherent and at the level of the learners and not above their zone of proximity. If learners are not at their readiness level, they will be lost and objectives not be achieved.

  14. Two factors that affect planning for instruction include 1. The environment 2.Cognitive level of the student

    The learning environment plays critical part in planing for instruction, the teacher would need to ensure that the classroom is conducive for learning. The facilitator would be required to ensure that the classroom is clean and comfortable,the seating arrangement should be such that all students is able to see and hear the instructor.

    The environment should be appropriate for the planned lesson. lessons which include labs or experiments would have to be conducted in the right setting to prevent hazards.

    Cognitive development is a very important factor in planning for instruction.It is vital that the facilitator knows the level at which the students are working so that she can select the appropriate content to suit the needs of the student, by doing this no student would be left behind.

  15. Content and Resources are 2 factors that influence planning . Content because as teachers we have to make sure that information that we about impart on our students is appropriate for their age and whether the learning objectives has been reached. Resources also influence planning, teachers must equipt themselves with the relevant materials and information that is appropriate for the lesson. Teachers must make sure to consider alternative resources in the event the first option is not readily available .

    1. I totally agree with what you said. As the quote says "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail".

  16. Two factors that influence planning are attitude and innovation. A teacher must approach the planning period with a positive attitude.Planning with a negative attitude can affect the mind and so the teacher will not effectively plan to meet all of the students abilities or levels.The students also must be positive and ready to learn. For Innovation, teachers must be creative during the planning process, they must organize activities not only to keep the students engaged but also relatable.

    1. So true, a negative attitude towards planning can hinder teachers from making proper instructional decisions. Innovation should definitely lead to activities that students can relate to.

  17. two factors that influence planning content 1. teacher should make sure they have knowledge of the content. using the appropriate activities, material and strategies so that no student(s) is confuse at the end of the lesson. 2.Teachers should stick to the curriculum and not jumping topics that will confuse the link 0f information,bearing in mind the curriculum is done in stages.

    1. Good points Joan. It is indeed important for teachers to be familiar with the content they are teaching and the choice of materials activities etc to match students abilities and learning styles. This makes a huge impact. Step by step use of the curriculum to avoid confusing students is also a very valid point.

  18. Two factors that influence planning are skills and knowledge.

    The teacher should first be equipped with the knowledge of how to write a successful lesson plan. Also skills could be looked at as the teachers ability to teach or deliver the topic, said teacher should be able to follow through when placed in the classroom.
    knowledge comes into play in regards to both the teacher and students. The teacher should know the topic he or she is about to teach, do adequate research in preparations for questions and scenarios that may arise in the classroom. Also, the teacher should be aware of the students knowledge in order to build on their knowledge and understanding.

  19. Two factors that influence planning for instruction:

    The Learner-Asking questions will help when planning your lessons to best benefit your students.

    Materials & Resources- Before planning a lesson think about What materials and resources are available for use and how to gain access to the materials and resources. This will help you in knowing what is available for your use.

  20. Two factors that influence planning are :

    The Learner- a teacher is to ensure that they are aware of each students learning styles in order to be able to facilitate their learning needs. With focus on the previous knowledge (if any) and what do the students want to learn? An educator will know how to teach each topic with keeping the child's learning styles in mind.

    Time - This is very important when planning to estimate how much time will have to be spent on each topic, also keeping in mind how the school day is divided and ensure adequate time is allotted to complete the topic/lesson whether in one class session or if more than one class sessions will be needed depending on the topic to be taught. Also the teacher will need to take a 10 mins or so close to the end of a lesson in order to conduct students assessment exercise to evaluate if the students understood the lesson taught and also for the teacher's reflection to check if their learning objectives were met.

  21. Two factors that influence planning are Climate and Time.

    1. Climate: Climate can become a factor when a teacher is planning for instruction. An example of this can be in the event that a particular subject topic requires the students to engage in practical activities outdoors e.g: Field-trip. If there is a sudden climate change causing it to rain heavily, this could prevent the teacher from carrying out the planned activity effectively. Therefore it is important that the teacher plans with a back up plan put in place in the event that the activities fail to go according to how it was initially planned. Another issue that may arise due to climate is that is the temperature is extremely hot this can prevent the students from concentrating or being able to actively participate in class simply because they are uncomfortable

    2. Time: A teacher must pay very keen attention to time when he?she is planning. The length of time available to teach and cover the subject content in a day as well as throughout the entire school year must be taken into consideration when planning. Doing this helps the teacher to properly manage his/her time wisely and not spend too much time on a topic that will prevent him or her from teaching other important subject content thoroughly. Monitoring the time carefully will therefore provide extra time to have one on on interaction with the students if needed as well as allowing the teacher to properly plan for end of year assessments confidently.

    1. I agree Kenesha, just to add, climate as a factor could also refer to the atmosphere of the class. If the class is one that generally dislike group activities the teacher must plan with this in mind.

  22. Many factors can affect planning for instruction. two such factors are learning styles and abilities of the students and time.Teachers who take into consideration learning styles and abilities plan activities conducive to learning for all learners. According to Stronge (2007), effective teachers consider not only their students’ abilities, but their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their level of interest.

  23. Self-confidence (teacher) and students’ attitudes are two factors that influence planning.
    Self confidence is important as it will determine how the teacher disseminates the information and how the students grasp it. High self confidence influences planning positively if the teacher likes the subject or topic and is highly knowledgeable.
    It has negative effects if the teacher’s planning is poor, if they dislike the subject or topic and has very little knowledge of it. Hence, research is also important as well as seeking assistance from a “more knowledgeable other.”
    Students’ attitudes is another factor that can positively or negatively influence planning. Again, it is important for teachers to know their students: interests, abilities, learning styles, etc. In this way, they can use appropriate methods, strategies and activities that will align with their skill and thought processes to help them reach the goals and objectives of understanding, learning retention and utilization and transfer of the knowledge/information they have been taught.

  24. Two factors that influence planning are:

    1. The very first thing to consider when you are planning a learning experience is what exactly you intend your students to learn i.e your learning objectives .. Teaching and learning activities, content creation and assessment all stem from these initial ideas
    2. Time - instead of looking at how much time to spend on a topic, the teacher needs to look at how much time they have to spend on a topic and how the school day is divided.

  25. Two factors that affect planning for instructions are:

    1. The student

    During the planning process it is important for the teacher to take into account the students that she is preparing the lesson for. Every class has different types of students, students have various learning styles, some are auditory learners, others are visual learners, and some are tactile learners. The teacher must take these differences into account while preparing her lesson plan. He/she must include activities and employ specific strategies that cater to each type of student in the class. Additionally, students come with various levels of prior knowledge based on their background and culture, the teacher once again must take these differences into account while planning for instruction.

    2. Innovation

    Another factor that influences planning for instruction is innovation. Innovation by definition means a new method, idea or product, and in relation to the teacher while preparing his/her lesson, they must make an effort to be creative. Use different activities that will capture students attention, implement different methods and approaches that will engage the students in the entire lesson, employ strategies that will motivate the students and enable the learning process.

    ~The End~

  26. I am of the opinion that learning styles and multiple intelligence(s) as proposed by Gardner,should be key factors when planning for instruction. Hence,the question arises How do I as a teacher plan my lesson around my students' particular strengths and intelligence(s). Therefore, the instructor should include activities to facilitate learning amongst students regardless of their differences and learning capabilities.

  27. Two major factors that affect planning for instructions are time and environment:

    Time is a crucial factor when planning for instruction, teachers should be cognizant to the time allotted to complete the curriculum of the particular subject, while incorporating significant amount of time for unit and lesson plan to ensure that the content is completed in the given time span. Teachers should also pay keen attention if in class assignments, activities, research etc are given sufficient time or need to be continued during another classroom experience or an extension of time would be necessary.

    Lastly, the environment which is another pivotal factor when planning should be conducive for the student learner, seating arrangement in the classroom experience should be arranged that every learner is benefited from the experience. The environment should be tidy and safe to prevent issues of sickness and be free of dangerous hazardous conditions. Student centered and friendly should be the environment for every classroom experience

  28. Two factors that influence planning are:

    Environment- It is important for the environment to be safe and conducive for learning. The environment should allow students to engage in independent learning that will act as reinforcement to enhance concepts learnt.

    Methods- The strategies/techniques used are paramount in determining whether or not the child learns. The objectives of a lesson are meant to be achieved in a lesson and in catering to the various learners, the conventional methods are not always effective. Therefore the teacher has to plan so that reaching all the learners with their different learning styles can be successful.

  29. Two factors that influence planning are learning objectives and knowledge.

    Since the learning objective determines what you will teach it often takes our main focus. At the end of the lesson our students should have achieved some knowledge, skill or development in the three domains: cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Therefore we should plan instruction in a way that will ensure the learner’s development in those domains which influences planning in a positive way. Our students will all be catered for since some are: visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners.

    Although teacher’s knowledge is important the student’s knowledge is front stage. Since our instruction planning is tailored to their needs we ask teachers should ensure that we consider:

    What our students know?

    What would we like them to know?

    How should we bring this across in the lesson effectively?

    Then after we have considered these we will be able to make better instructional decisions while planning lessons.

  30. Two factors that influence planning for instructions are, The Learners and Time.The learners in that a teacher needs to know what type of learners are in the classroom in order to plan an effective lesson that will enable him/her in meeting every learning styles and engaging all learners.

    Time is also a major factor in that teachers need to know how the school day is divided in order to establish how much time is available for teaching a lesson that is engaging and motivating.

  31. Content is a very important factor that influence planning for learning. Teachers must take into consideration the grade level they are teaching. Also, the skills and strategies each needs to learn.

    Motivation is another factor that teachers should take into consideration when planning their lesson. They need to implement ways on how to get their students involved in learning process and their interest.

  32. Two factors that affect planning for instruction are time and teachers knowledge.If a teacher lacks knowledge of the content for what they are planning will result in poor or ineffective planning . And students will not learn or misconceptions can be learnt.

    Also, if time is not properly allocated to a lesson or topic then learning may take place but will not be beneficial to the learners,which will also affect objectives and learning outcomes.

  33. When planning for instruction the following steps must be considered:
    Look over the national standards and your texts and supplemental materials to determine what concepts must be covered in the year.
    Create a personalized lesson plan calendar.
    Plan your units using of your overall plan of study and your calendar.
    Create detailed unit lesson plans.
    Use the details outlined in the unit to create effective and interactive daily lesson plans.
