Unit 1.3 Planning for Instruction - Unit Planning

Unit Planning

unit plan is an integrated series of lessons, organized around a single themetopic or modedeveloped over several days or even weeks.

Often, units are developed within discipline, and lessons are organized to build on knowledge acquired in previous lessons.

·         Unit plans generally include:
§  Purposes/Aims/Goals
§  Objectives
§  Content Outlines
§  Activities
§  Instructional Resources and Materials
§  Evaluation Methods

·         Units may even be: Interdisciplinary units described under the entry called Thematic Approach/Thematic Unit, or may be about a specific topic, Topical Approach/Topical Unit.

·         Unit plans are particularly good for documenting your ability to use a variety of instructional strategies and instructional planning skills.

Components of a Unit Plan
General Components are:
o   Subject Area
o   Grade Level
o   Duration
o   Rationale
o   General Instructional Goals (Standards)
o   Unit Name
o   Unit Topic
o   Objectives (Broad)
o   Objectives (Specific)
o   Concepts/Facts/Rules/Generalizations/Principle
o   Content Learning/Learning Material
o   Activities Strategies
o   Teaching Aids/ Materials and Resources

o   Evaluation (Methods and Tools)

A course of study to be taught, at the Primary School Level the
core subjects are: Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Language
Arts. In addition to these core subjects may be Music, Art, Information
Technology, etc. However, they vary in the Secondary School Level.

As it pertains to the Primary School Level it may vary depending on the
educational system K-6 or K-9. At the Secondary School Level 7-11. 

A unit normal time frame may be two to three weeks, however
keeping in mind that there should be room for flexibility it may
incorporate one to six weeks depending on the topics and subtopics
that are to be covered for a particular theme.

A broad descriptive statement that gives the basic reasons for
teaching this particular unit as well as the major results expected
from the unit.

Statements should answer the question, "What are the major goals of
the unit?" These are not as specific as the instructional objectives that
appear in lesson plans and can follow an outline form. In this section
you are basically concerned with establishing broad expectations about
what you anticipate your students will gain from the unit.

What is the name of the unit of instruction?

A unit topic is basic list of skills, concepts and/or activities that closely
relate to the unit being studied. What are the possible topics on which
lessons can be grouped?

o   Describe broad aspects of behaviour which incorporate a wide range of knowledge and skills
o   Accomplished over time in several learning experiences
o   Refer to demonstrations of performance

o    Tend to describe specific, discrete units of knowledge and skill
o    Can be accomplished within a short time frame - still may be  relevant for a class period
o    Tend to be statements of intent; do not necessarily suggest that the behaviour has been demonstrated

o    Concepts – ideas that refer to a class or category in which all the members share some common characteristics. They can be in the form of a definition and may also be related to other larger or subordinate concepts.
o Facts – statements about the world that are directly observable, an occurrence from in the past or present
o   Generalizations – statements about patterns in the world that are either correlational or suggest a causal relationship: rules, principle or law.
o Rules – statements of what can or must be done. Methods or procedures to follow.
o Principles – are relational rules that show relationship between two or more concepts. They are often described in the form of if-then, cause-effect, or “rule of thumb” relationships.

The content describes the specific subject matter to be learned. 

Teaching strategies are the different ways in which one may
conduct the various lessons. 

A section identifying all of the materials, resources and/or people
used in creating the unit as well as those appropriate to teaching

Unit evaluation should be a summative measure of the general
and specific objectives from both the unit and the daily lesson

Hurwitz, A. & Day, M. (2007). Children and their art: Methods
     for the elementary school. Eighth Edition. Belmont, CA:
     Thomson Wadsworth.

Montanan State University. (2011). Appendix A. Components
     of a Unit Plan. Retrieved 31/1/11 from www.montana.edu.

Price, K. and Nelson, K. (2003). Daily Planning For 
  Today´s Classroom. (2nd Ed.). Canada: Thompson.

Visit a school/teacher and ask to see some examples of Unit and Lesson Plans.
Discuss your findings here by posting comments. 
Share samples by uploading them to your Google Drive and then share the link of the samples by posting it as a comment.


  1. a unit plan is an integrated plan for instruction on a topic developed over several days or weeks.... it usually has a theme and is layed out with the topics to be covered over the period of time, learning outcomes,specific objectives,content, activities and methods,resources/ materials and the method(s) used for evaluation over that said period of time.

  2. A unit plan is a comprehensive plan for instruction which usually runs for a period of days and or weeks. It governs the flow of teaching and learning coherently which takes place during the duration of the unit.

  3. A unit plan is an integrated set of lessons in one subject area, developed over over a period of time containing the time period, topic, learning outcomes, specific objectives, summary, activity/strategies, resources to be used and evaluation.

    1. You mentioned that is an integrated set of lessons. are they ?

    2. Hello Earlyn,

      Yes. A Unit Plan is an integrated series of lessons.


  4. I believe that unit planning is a guide which is detailed, comprehensive, integrated plan with the topics, objectives, concepts and activities,for the duration of 2-3 weeks, that the teacher plans to cover with a specific grade. This plan guides the teacher with the relevant content that needs to be covered in that period.

    1. please feel free to view the links:

      https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0vK-0wkafnzaTFpMGpiQmJSMTBPbGw4M2U4dnlqNHljX0pF (LESSON PLAN)

      https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0vK-0wkafnza0ZnVE05bUFHZXlDaGpvZ2hVYmUxZU5ibnIw (UNIT PLAN)

  5. A unit plan is an integrated plan for instruction that is organized on theme, topic and mode based on several days or weeks of teaching. It focuses on Purposes /Aims / Goals, Objectives, Content Outlines, Activities, Instructional Resources and Materials and Evaluation Methods. This is outlined to guide the teacher in their lesson planning.

  6. A unit plan is a unified plan of direction that is strategically organized to facilitate learning through traditional teaching methods, aims, objectives, content and activities.This method of planning can be used as a guide when integrating activities to ensure that a variety of activities and strategies are used so that teaching doesn't become monotonous.

  7. A unit plan is an integral part of effective lesson planning. The components of unit plans allow teachers the opportunity of 2-3 weeks of planning. This allow the teacher to be prepared, confident and efficient in the delivery of his/her lessons.Am looking forward to learning how to do unit plans and to execute this information gathered in the preparations of my own unit plans

  8. A unit plan is a comprehensive plan with objective, content,learning outcome. activities and method use by teacher to plan their daily lesson for several weeks

  9. A unit plan is an outline of cohesive lessons that will be done on specific topics over a period of a few weeks. It entails the topics, objectives, learning outcomes, activities, strategies,content, materials and evaluations to be done. A unit plan is used to create day by day lesson plans. It is very important to create unit plans as it makes planning lessons less time consuming.


  10. Hello everyone,

    Thank you to those who have shared what is a Unit plan. Those who have not shared this, if you feel to, please do. However, your post here is to be focused on the activity on this page and not the actual class activity. Therefore, were you able to obtain or view any examples of Unit and Lesson Plans from a school or a teacher? If yes, may you please share your experience and examples here.

    Thanking you,

  11. A unit plan is an integrated series of lessons which is usually around a theme, topic which includes activities, objectives and teacher evaluation ect, that is constructed for a period of days or weeks.

  12. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4Al-C80zIgddkM5YW1hMGUzMHM

    Please copy and paste this link into your URL in order to view a Unit and Lesson Plan.

  13. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9YrNk2-cF6LajdHNi1KbF9NZHM

    Making the best of every teaching moments is generated from an organized Unit Plan. Constructing deeper understanding based on concepts and skills ,learning becomes relevant and comprehensive.

  14. I was not able to visit the school in person because the hour of operations did not permit me to, however the teacher with whom I spoke to vie the medium of watsup was able and willing to provide me with a comprehensive copy of both a Unit and Lesson Plan. Going through it with a fine tooth comb I was intrigued by the level of work. It inspired me to ensure that my Unit and Lesson Plan meets that level. From an honest point of view I see Unit Planning as a way of allowing me as a teacher to plan my lessons more effectively and to be more efficient in my delivery. With practice, patience and perseverance comes success

  15. PSY 201 – Managing Instruction & Classroom Dynamics at the Secondary Level

    Reflection #3: “Planning for Instruction - Unit Planning”

    What is a Unit Plan?
    A unit plan consists of concepts or topics and learning goals that are to be taught over a specific period of time (usually 2, 3 or even 4 weeks). It is used as a general guideline for more detailed lesson planning, in fact, several lessons plans are linked together by concepts or themes to actually make up the unit plan.

    Are all unit plans constructed in the same way?
    After seeing a few examples of unit plans and lesson plans for various subject areas, it is apparent that there is a basic ‘skeletal’ frame that is used by all subject areas. However, modifications are made based on the type of subject and its general objectives and rationale. Additionally, the type of language used, the category titles and terms may differ as well, based on the level (1st form, 2nd form or 3rd form, etc.) being taught and the subject area. A unit plan for French will differ from a unit plan for Mathematics or a unit plan for Social Studies or a unit plan for Science.

    Here is an example of a unit plan for a 3rd form class in the area of French:

    ~Myra Lake-Hughes

  16. I visited the Sea View Farm primary school and interacted with Ms Joseph the Grade 2 teacher,a Unit Plan and Lesson plan was obtained for Social Studies,the Topic was Communication,which lasted for 6 weeks and had 6 lessons.

    The Unit Plan is consisted of 8 parts, here are some samples of what is included

    General Objective : What is communication

    Specific Objectives: Define communication and ways in which we can send and receive messages.

    Instruction materials/resources: Puzzle pieces,pencils and paper

    Everything that is included in the Lesson plan is in the Unit plan but the Lesson plan is more detailed about it's information, it states the steps to how students will carry out the activities listed in the Unit Plan.

    Click on link to view Unit Plan:

    Click on link to view Lesson Plan:

  17. Hey there,so I went through hell and back to source a unit plan.However, I was able to get my hands on one. My experience was rather hectic as none of the 6 teachers I contacted does unit planning. The responses range from "we only do extent"to "we only do lesson planning". I was able to contact a teacher in Jamaica who was kind enough to send me one of her's. Although it is not a primary level unit plan I think the same principles apply and there is still a lot to learn from it.
    *please copy and paste the link below into your URL bar to view the unit plan*

  18. This unit plan was obtained fro teacher Warner of the Sea View Farm Primary School. It is a math unit plan on number theory and time for grade one. This plan is for a duration of six weeks. Feel free to examine and post your comments.


  19. I had a hard time trying to find a teacher with a unit and lesson plan. I spoke with at least four teachers and they all told me they don't really prepare a unit plan and as for planning lessons some admitted they do not. However i did find a mathematics teacher who was eager to share her unit and lesson plans with me.

    She is a mathematics teacher, that teaches grade 9. I noticed her plans were very detailed and similar to what we are learning at Teachers Training. Please go to this link to see her unit and lesson plans. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B44j27Afac61N0libkRrNDZqbG8

  20. A unit plan is an integrated plan for instruction which give clear directions for short term planning for a week, a day and lesson.

    1. Hello Connie,

      Are you saying that a Unit Plan is a short term plan, or are you saying it helps to plan the short term plan which is a daily plan?

      Please clarify.

      Thanking you,

  21. A unit plan is a detailed outline of a specific subject and its content.A unit plan shows the topics of what the students are to cover throughout the school year. Some teachers break down the unit to cover a few weeks at a time.The unit plan consists of the topic and content as well as learning outcomes, specific objectives,teaching and learning activities, resources, reflection and assessment. It is from the unit plan that a teacher formulates his/her daily lesson plans.

  22. I got a lesson plan for science on vertebrates. It is at the grade 2 level, 3 classes -35 minutes each. This lesson plan is detailed as it outlines prerequisites, specific objectives, lesson process, procedural development, closure, teacher reflection and evaluation.
    Basically, students should have had previous knowledge concerning what are vertebrates and a fish. The materials and media used were science texts and videos. At the end of the entire topic they should be able to identify vertebrates and their characteristics and better understand the use of the terms identify, classify, list, etc. In concluding and activities, the children recalled what they learned. In the reflection, the teacher stated that the classes were very interactive as the children were very fascinated with the different types of animals and their characteristics.

  23. This lesson plan was obtained from Mr. Warner, a grade one teacher of the Sea-view Farm primary school. It is a Mathematics unit plan on number theory and time which lasted for six week.

    *please feel free to view link

  24. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1LaBPkbOfNLckZIZFhuQTVabW8/view?usp=sharing here is an example of a lesson plan that I was able to obtain from a teacher. This is her lesson plan for her mathematics class. I found this lesson plan to be very understanding and straight to the point. It has all the components of a lesson plan. I am sure it was able to be followed effectively.

  25. A unit plan consists of concepts and learning goals that are taught over a period of time.A unit plan lasts two or three weeks or longer.It is a detailed outline which acts as a guide for the instructor in helping him/her to stay focused on what exactly is to be covered and for the learner in ensuring that they know what they will know and be able to do in a specific period of time.I obtained a unit plan from the S.R Olivia David Primary school.I realized that the plan contains most of the components listed above in this blog by the lecturer but as the Unit plan was for Science the teacher used as a component "Science processes" instead of rules / concepts /generalization. I realized that it is important for us to be familiar with the components and synonyms that may be used across subject areas.The plan was very detailed and certainly can act as a guideline.The sample of the unit plan obtained can be accessed here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_pEO2AJzSnCLUcwOWtpZGRwdXM/view?usp=sharing

    1. Hello Renee,

      Thank you for sharing.

      Everyone please note the link below is the correct version. Copy and paste it in your Address/URL box to view the Unit Plan.



  26. A unit plan is an unified structure, with a focus around which lessons and assessments are prepared. A unit plan shows the outline for lessons of a particular subject area and are divided in weeks for a term, it also serves as a guide for teachers in the lesson planning process. All unit plans do not necessarily have the same components depending on the subject area, however thy follow the same frame work of a unit plan.

    1. Hello Kesha,

      Thank you for this definition of a Unit Plan.


  27. A Unit plan is a detailed document which outlines the content area of a specific subject which is to be covered in the classroom. The plan is usually prepared on a termly basis throughout the academic school year. It is often designed by the head of the department and subject teachers. A unit plan consists of: Learning outcomes and or specific objectives, detailed concepts and or rules, activities and strategies, resources, assessment and evaluation. However, the unit plans for each subject area are similar though the way in which they are designed varies. A unit plan generally serves as a guide to the teacher when he /she is creating lesson plans as well as how to manage the time available to complete the subject content.
    Example of Unit plan: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7FJDw-jfcaHdlNHM25mZU1aZWZfemRranl4bVpMazA3NFBz

  28. It was found that most teachers do not do unit plans but rather extents.I however sourced one from a former colleague. here is the link.

    1. Hello Cynthia,

      Did you get a chance to view the Extent and note if there were any similarities or differences of the Extent with the Unit Plan?


  29. Unit plans consist of concepts and learning goals that are taught over a period of time and are woven together, often across subject areas. A unit plan lasts two or three weeks depending on the topic covered. It includes several standards, skills, and desired outcomes for interconnected learning.

    I wasn't able to access an electronic copy of a unit plan because most of the teachers I spoke to has them written out in their plan book. What I realized as I observed the various unit plans was that although they all are specific to the subject area the general components of the plans were essentially the same. The content was specific to the class and the title and headings were specific to the subject and the topic being taught.

  30. A unit plan is a detailed, integrated plan that consists of objectives, topics, concepts, materials strategies and even activities that covers a span of 2-4 weeks depending on the teacher.

    Below is a link that provides an example of a unit plan for a Grade 6 Mathematics class.

  31. This is a unit plan obtained from a teacher.Please view link


  32. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7o8ejGHcRxPNERrV1pJb2hUbkU <--- This is y example of my lesson. A unit plan is an integrated series of lesson that is taught over a number of weeks, which consists of specific objectives, materials and strategies taken to teach the lessons. I must say it was not an easy task to obtain an example, because most teacher I ask said they don't use unit plans. However after long search I finally got one which is unit plan for mathematics topic addition and subtractions . I notice that the objectives were general not specific and all the lessons on the unit plan follow up each other . I also found that some of the strategies was very interesting and unique.

  33. A unit plan is a detailed outline of a set of lessons covering a specific subject area over a period of 2-3 weeks. The unit plan should entail the goals to be achieved and should highlight the specific objectives that are expected to be met by the students. The unit plan also consists of concepts/ generalizations, the materials and resources, strategies and evaluation of the series of lessons to be taught.

    The plan that I obtained from the teacher is an extent. There were no available unit plans, however the link will be provided for viewing.

    1. Hello Carissa,

      Thank you for sharing this example of an Extent.


  34. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4wNSzNX1BIScmMza3dSYXJQb002alAwSlVhWUJEcDNqM2I0

  35. Hi everyone. i visited one school and obtained hard copies of two unit plans from two different teachers, however they did not have any lesson plan at hand at the time. The templates used were slightly different as we discussed in class, that they might be. One plan was more detailed than the other. Ironically the less detailed plan came from the one I would term the more experienced teacher. I would not be able to share a link since as I said I got the hard copies of the unit plans but would be able to share during our next class session.

  36. A unit plan is an integrated series of lesson that is taught over a number of weeks, which consists of specific objectives, materials and strategies taken to teach the lessons.

    Unfortunately i was unable to contact a teacher to get samples of a unit plan. Thankfully the lecturer was able to source examples of unit plans.I gathered that some teacher are not making unit plans but are working from something called and extent, the extent would provide the topic to be taught along with the objectives.

    After comparing the lessons plans we made and the samples we discovered that the objectives were different in relations to the subject area, however the other components were the same

  37. Unit plans consist of concepts and learning goals that are taught over a period of time and are woven together, often across subject areas. A unit plan lasts two or three weeks (or longer) and includes several standards, skills, and desired outcomes for interconnected learning.
    Unit plans demand great amounts of time, energy, and planning, but the results are incredible because each step of the learning ties to the next.

  38. I had some challenges getting a unit plan from a teacher. However, I was able to get one. I find that it is easier to get a unit plan from a teacher if they are your friends or if they went through the teacher training program they would be more understanding.

  39. Reflection: #3

    Unit Plan

    As I reflected on this week lesson, I thought to myself, what was I doing? But then I realized that it was not only me, my principals were also responsible to assist and to point out, to make corrections where necessary on lesson plans. Principals should have created opportunities for untrained teachers in professional development. In reflecting I have learned the importance of having proper lesson plans in order to meet the objectives. It is also important to prepare in order to meet and cater to different student abilities.

  40. Please click on link to view my unit plan and lesson plan https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B041dQ5OSu3mNTdNUmJpZEtYQUU
