Unit 2.2 Practice Test End of Unit 2

Practice Test with Marking Scheme


a. Discuss two (2) benefits to be derived from using a variety of teaching methods in the classroom. (4 marks)

b. Identify and describe one (1) Direct Teaching Method and one (1) Indirect Teaching Method and explain how a classroom teacher may effectively utilize each one in a specific subject area and age group. (10 marks)

c. Select one constructivist approach to teaching and explain one (1) advantage and one (1) disadvantage in using that approach for a specific age group. (6 marks)

Marking Scheme

a. Award maximum of 2 marks for each benefit discussed(2 x 2 = marks)

b. Award maximum of 5 marks for each teaching method identified and 
explained(5 x 5 = 10 marks)

c. Award maximum of 6 marks for the approach mentioned with 
one advantage and disadvantage for a specified age group(6 marks)


a. Differentiate between convergent and divergent questions, stating the importance of using each in the classroom. (4 marks)

b. Discuss the following questioning techniques, stating one (1) benefit derived from each:
  • Prompting
  • Probing
  • Wait Time I & II
  • Redirecting                                        (16 marks)

Marking Scheme

a. Award maximum of 2 marks for differentiating between the two terms and 
award maximum 2 marks for stating the importance of using both in the 
classroom(2 + 2 = 4 marks)

b. Award maximum of 3 marks for each questioning technique discussed and 
award maximum 1 mark for each benefit derived from each. (3 x 4 = 
12 marks) (1 x 4 = 4 marks)  (16 marks)

Practice Test without Marking Scheme


There are some guiding principles of constructivist thinking. Outline the meaning of three out of five principles listed below.

i)             Learning is an active process (Jerome Bruner)
ii)            Learning is a mental construction of meaning (Jean Piaget
               Cognitive Consructivism)
iii)           Learning involves language (Lev Vygotsky – Social Constructivism)
iv)           Learning involves personal development (Erik Erikson 
               Psychosocial Crises)
v)            Motivation is a key component to learning (Abraham Maslow -
               Hierarchy of Needs)


Select three constructivist approaches from the list below that utilises teachers and peers as joint contributors to students’ learning and explain how support is given.

i)             Scaffolding
ii)            Field-Trip
iii)           Peer-Tutoring
iv)           Questioning
v)            Cooperative Learning

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