Unit 1.1 Planning for Instruction - The Importance/Reasons for Planning

The Importance of Planning for Instruction

A Famous Quote by Benjamin Franklin:

Image Adopted from:

This Way Out Group LLC (2009-2016). Why Plan For Diligence White Paper 

    [Blog Post]. Retrieved January 4, 2017, 
    from http://www.thiswayoutgroup.com/dont-need-exit-strategy-if/

A Planning Essay on "He who fails to plan, plans to fail", 
by a Teacher Trainee (2015)

A teacher’s responsibility is to effectively impart knowledge to students using the curriculum as a guide; however there are teachers who step into the classroom with an idea of what to teach with no plan of how they will proceed, and there are those who enter the classroom with a well thought out plan. The difference relies on the preparedness of the teacher having a detailed plan of instruction. This plan of instruction refers to the strategic preparation using methods and activities communicated to students within an allocated timeframe to achieve desired goals. The likelihood of a teacher achieving his/her desired outcome rest on the ability to plan the approach to teaching with specific objectives in mind, knowledge of the students’ learning styles and abilities, a vision of how to assess the students and doing so with consideration of time.

The first plan of action in teaching is setting objectives. Setting objectives is paramount to effective teaching because objectives provide the teacher with an aim of what the students need to learn and do at the end of the lesson. Slavin (2008) suggests that teachers who do not establish clear objectives may go off course and end up spending time on topics not relevant to the course. Without establishing objectives, teachers are unable to decipher a clear path for completing the task of providing activities for the students that will aid in teaching and learning.

Students learn differently therefore it is important to be mindful of the varying learning styles and abilities when teaching them. Teachers who plan with this in mind plan activities conducive to learning for all learners. According to Stronge (2007), effective teachers consider not only their students’ abilities, but their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their level of interest. This leads to careful selection of activities for each lesson.  He also stated that teachers should plan a blend of whole-group, small-group, and individualized instruction. When teachers use a variety of teaching strategies and methods to meet each student’s individual needs, there is a better chance of students accomplishing the task of effective learning and teaching. After providing students with activities to learn a new concept, students are then assessed to establish if they are able to apply what they have learned.

Assessing how students learn allows the teacher to determine whether learning has taken place, however consideration to the objectives set and to the various learning styles and abilities must be reflected upon. While planning, teachers need to determine the type of assessment that will effectively ascertain what the students have learned. Students may be assessed through traditional pen and paper test and authentic assessment. “Through authentic assessment, teachers learn about their students, about themselves as teachers, and about their learning” (Tompkins, 2009, p. 52). Using a variety of authentic assessment examines the process and the products created by students. If teachers consistently use the traditional way of assessment, they fail the students by ignoring the process and weighing heavily on the product. Therefore, teachers should decide the type of assessment they should use to effectively evaluate the achievement of objectives.

Time management plays an important role in planning. It allows the teacher to estimate the flow of the lesson bearing in mind the possibility of disruptions or additional time for completing activities. According to University of Michigan (2014), there are some strategies for creating realistic timeline. These include estimating how long an activity will take, having an additional activity as fillers and having additional time for questions or disruptions that may arise. Also, Stronge (2007) affirms that teachers should assure that students are constantly engaged during the entire class period and not allow for idle or down time. Not having enough activities in a lesson may cause gaps during the lesson which can lead to behaviour problems such as disruption and restlessness arising amongst the students.

The act of planning requires a thought process resulting in an end product satisfying to the planner. If one fails to recognize goals, how to achieve those goals, consideration for students learning and time allocation, the outcome will lead to complete failure not only to the students but the institution of teaching and learning. Without planning, the teacher fails to maximize the teaching and learning process and in turn fails to maximize students’ achievement. 

Slavin, R. (2008). Educational psychology, theory and practice (9th ed.). Boston, Ma: Allyn and Bacon.
Stronge, J. (2007). Qualities of effective teachers. (2nd ed.). Virginia: ASCD.
Tompkins, G. (2009). Language arts, patterns of practice. (7th ed.). New Jersey:         Pearson.
University of Michigan. (2014). Strategies for effective lesson planning. Center for research on learning and teaching, Retrieved from http://www.crlt.umich.edu/gsis/p2_5 

Why do Teachers Plan for Instruction.

Click on the link below each individual to listen to why they think it is important to plan for instruction. 

Carolyn B.
6th Grade Reading
Cherylan H.

8th Grade Math
               Click here to listen to Carolyn              Click here to listen to Cheralyn

Lance E.
8th Grade Science
Linda G.
Middle School Art

O’Bannon, B. (2012). Planning for Instruction [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved 

    January 4, 2017, from

Reasons for Planning for Instruction

Click on the video below and view some reasons for planning for instruction.


Isidro, J.M. (2014). Planning a lesson towards an effective teaching. E-Learning 
     Training Department [Video File]. Retrieved on January 4, 2017, 
     from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubGm1MR7JSM 


Now after, reading, listening and viewing all the above information on Planning for Instruction. Post a comment explaining, in your own words, why you think it is important to plan for instruction, outlining at least three reasons for planning for instruction.


  1. Planning for instruction is important for a number of reasons.A plan allows a teacher to conduct her lessons in an orderly fashion and in sync with the national curriculum. Having a plan will help the teacher to utilize the allotted time effectively and help in effective classroom management.A plan is necessary in the case of the absence of the teacher. A plan that is available can be followed by another teacher to teach the class.

  2. It is important to plan for instruction because it helps the teacher determine what activities are suitable for achieving the desired objectives to students with different learning styles within a particular time frame from the curriculum.

  3. Instruction is purposeful direction of the learning process. After reviewing unit 1 on Planning for Instruction including four audio podcast recordings and a video presentation, I firmly believe that it is important for teachers to plan for instruction.

    Lesson planning helps the teacher to conduct their lesson in an orderly fashion, doing so will keep them from going off course from the syllabus or going over topics that was covered before. This was the case of the grade 6 teacher Carolyn B. in the audio podcast recording she said, “If I don't plan I can forget what I did the day before and the students will tell me we did that already."

    Teachers should plan their lessons because students learn differently. Stronge (2007) posits, “Effective teachers consider not only their students' abilities, but also their strengths, weaknesses, level and interests. Teachers can use a variety of teaching strategies and methods to meet the individual needs of each student. For example they can utilize video presentations, audio podcasts recordings etc. when planning for their lessons.

    When teachers plan for instruction, they will be more prepared and confident while teaching a lesson, resulting in better educators. The students will know if the lesson is planned and thus benefit more in this way.

    In conclusion, it is paramount that we have a good lesson plan because it will always help you be a better and more prepared teacher. Furthermore, another teacher (substitute) should be able to pick up your LP, walk into the classroom and teach it.

    1. Dear Curlene,

      Thank you for stating how planning for instruction gives the teacher confidence.
      This is a very important aspect.


    2. Hi Curlene,

      Very good pointed stated.

  4. After going through this entire unit with a fine tooth comb I must say that I now have a much better and clearer understanding of what planning for instruction entails. In my own words I think that it is the effective delivery of planned lesson that meets the needs of each child in the classroom. It is important to plan for instruction as it allow teachers to conduct their lesson in an orderly fashion, prepares students for the days activities and provides directions for teachers.

  5. Planning for instruction is important because

    1. Time Management- With time management, it helps you get more things done in less time. Once you map out your tasks and time, you can figure out how much time you can put into the task. Taking time to plan for instruction very critical. If you don't time to plan you may not understand or remember what you would want to bring forth in the lesson.

    2. Establish Clear Outcomes- Establish a clear understanding of the goal(s) of the lesson and specific learner outcomes related to the desired outcomes and essential student understandings and performance for every learner and the desired big ideas and their alignment to the established standards within the program of study that learners should understand.

    3.Measurable Outcomes and Assessment Plan- Prior to planning the instructional experience, establish how learning is going to be measured by Providing learners multiple ways and options to authentically engage in the process, take action and demonstrate understanding.

    1. Hello Jahwauni,

      It is evident that you believe Time Management, Establishing Clear, Measurable Learning Outcomes and Assessments are important reasons for planning for instruction.

      Thank you for sharing,

    2. All these points are definitely essential

    3. Interesting points to keep in mind when planning.

    4. Making sure I write down these points Jahwanni.....

  6. After reading about topic and watching the videos above. I believe that planning for instruction help teachers organised their lesson in a more effective way to suit the learning style of their students.

    Planning a lesson help teachers feel more confident when teaching their students. If a teacher has more than one class, planning ahead prevents that teacher from repeating a lesson they taught previously.

    1. Hello Claudette,

      Thank you for highlighting the importance of Teacher's Confidence.

      This is so important!


  7. I think that planning for instruction is essential to any successful lesson. It (lesson plans) provides teachers with visual representation of how the class should proceed.
    Teachers plan their lessons as it assists the teacher to conduct the lesson in an orderly,civic manner. Moreover, lesson planning help teachers to steer the lesson in the right direction ,by carefully outlining the objectives as well as how each objective will be achieved. It also/should facilitate the requirements of the national syllabus or curriculum.

    1. Dear Akeesha,

      Earlyn, Thalia and you have touched an important aspect of planning. All three of you identified the importance of planning with the curriculum in mind.

      The curriculum is the starting point. We need to first look at the curriculum to see what are the knowledge, skills and attitudes the students are required to demonstrate by the end of the allocated time frame.

      Thanks, to all three of you!

    2. I love the first point you mentioned Akeesha....

  8. I do concur with the quote "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail". As a teacher it is critical for one to plan in order for the lesson to be successful. Lesson planning helps to organize the needed content and materials for a subject needed to be taught, in order to accomplish specific goals and objectives. It helps to guide the teacher as to the steps necessary in order to achieve these goals and objectives. The teacher must be aware of their students' prior knowledge, background, age, culture and most importantly learning styles in order to ensure that the lessons are planned to cater for all students. Planning for instruction helps the teacher to be prepared for the lessons moreover, it helps the teacher to manage the time with students efficiently. Careful lesson planning ensures that the most appropriate, and clear information is taught to the students. Further lesson planning helps the teacher to be aware of possible challenges that they may encounter during the lesson and how these problems can be avoided or decreased. Lesson Planning is an essential tool that may aid the teacher in being successful carrying out goals and meeting objectives for a subject or topic.

  9. I strongly and personally believe that planning for instruction is vital for any and all teachers. This enable the teacher to control the class ,being vigilant, create specific activities (games, etc), organise the content and ensure that it is factual and at the level of the students. It also enables the teacher to achieve the specific objectives and outcomes outlined in the curriculum and said lessonplan. "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." BELIEVE IT!!!

  10. Avoid planning lessons several days or weeks ahead of time because a teacher will not be aware of the students’ needs or what problems they might be faced with at that particular time. It is best to plan lessons daily and bring them into class because as the lesson is progressing (as students are interacting with their teacher and with the language they are studying) things evolve and develop, depending on what has happened and what is happening moment to moment, and this way the teacher has a better and more accurate understanding of what students need to focus on in future lessons.
    lesson planning is essential because:
    It helps the teacher conduct her lesson in an orderly fashion and it allows students to know what they are going to be learning and how it fits into the course syllabus.
    Students also feel that the lessons are sequenced properly. Having a good lesson plan will also increase confidence in the teacher; on the other hand, not having a plan will result in complete failure for both teacher and students. In addition, a detailed plan clearly demonstrates that the teacher has taken the time, as well as, put in the thought and effort into making the lesson.
    Teachers who do not produce a lesson plan are often lazy, or feel that they can create a lesson (known as jungle path lessons) based on what is happening in the room at that moment. This can sometimes work, but to continue to never have a lesson plan proves to be ineffective, besides, your students will become frustrated and feel a sense of negligence or carelessness on the teacher’s part as well as not getting their money’s worth.

  11. Planning for Instruction is the delivery of content through innovative teaching methods, which caters to the needs of the whole child.(Javere Steele and Cleona DeSilver).My opinion on planning for instruction is that it is an essential component of teaching because this is where an organized and coherent process is developed to deliver content to all learners via the national curriculum. Using various teaching methods, skills or activities that facilitates learning. Also, as a teacher plans for instruction he or she will have to consider the learners abilities,disabilities,environment,time,readiness level,objectives,learning outcomes and interest. This type of planning will create a student centered environment and enrich the learning process.

  12. PSY 201 – Managing Instruction & Classroom Dynamics at the Secondary Level

    Reflection #1: “Planning For Instruction”

    As teachers, our main task is to facilitate learning, and in order to do so effectively and efficiently it is crucial that we plan every single lesson before engaging our students.

    Planning for instruction is important because it ensures that students’ learning needs are met, desired objectives are achieved, time is used efficiently, and that students are further motivated to participate in the learning process.

    Planning for instruction takes into consideration all possible factors that may impact on the learning process, for example, students’ needs, their learning styles, age, sex, gender, socio-economic background, ability, level of interest and motivation, the classroom/teaching environment (class size, seating arrangement, temperature, ventilation etc.), the time of the lesson on the time-table (first period of the day or the right after lunch, or right after P.E.), duration of the lesson, and even the students’ previous knowledge & experience.

    When lessons are planned there is a greater likelihood that desired goals/outcomes/objectives are achieved and that no learner is left behind. Teaching methods/approaches are utilized to ensure that students are engaged at every level, that they are aware of what they will be learning and what performance is expected of them. It also sets perimeters for reviewing any skills or concepts they need in order to understand the day’s lesson before new material is presented, it allows for the allocation of time to conduct learning probes, provide independent practice, assess their performance and give feedback, and even to re-teach skills and reinforce the new concepts.

    The teacher’s composure/disposition, whether he/she exudes confidence, is prepared, organized and enthusiastic about the subject/lesson being taught will also impact on the learning process as well. Students are very perceptive and if they realize that the teacher is unprepared for a lesson and has no knowledge of what he/she is actually teaching or is unable to respond to questions raised by the class, they will become de-motivated and uninterested in the subject and ultimately perform poorly. With that said, I strongly believe that teaching is a calling and the characteristics of a good teacher who is “called” should not only be exhibited in the classroom or on the school plant but in every aspect of his/her life. A ‘real’ teacher will seamlessly engage in proper preparation to undertake all required tasks of the profession with joy and eager enthusiasm.

    In essence – A real teacher PLANS FOR INSTRUCTION!!!

    ~Myra Lake-Hughes

  13. Planning for instruction is a pivotal element for every teacher classroom experience. It serves as a guide, so teachers are better equipped to evaluate their student learners. Which enables teachers to cater to the needs of individual students by taking into consideration age, cognitive level, learning abilities and prior knowledge of each student.
    Also Time Management is a beneficial factor to take into account when planning for instruction for example, Can the lesson be completed in the allotted time? Are the students given adequate time to complete a task or activity? or Should the lesson be completed during another class session?
    Lastly a significant function of planning for instruction is classroom management, when proper planning is not taking into consideration issues and chaos can arise within the classroom environment. Since students learners are aware when a teacher is unprepared.
    In conclusion planning is an integral part of the teacher and student learner success within the classroom experience.

  14. Planning for instruction is creating, sourcing and the manipulation of information to be imparted, through the guide of the national curriculum in a strategic and effective manner. Planning for instruction is very important. To successfully instruct and achieve the goal of students learning, teachers must keep the following in mind.

    1. Adhering to the National Curriculum- Every grade level has a specific curriculum which provides the necessary content appropriate for that specific grade level. In planning this is used to carefully plan lessons with the necessary activities and information to corroborate with topics to be taught. Careful planning will guide teachers with the topics which are to be taught coherently.

    2. Objectives and Learning Styles- When lessons are planned teachers have a clear guide as to the purpose of the lessons and what are the expected achievements from the learners. This will therefore keep teachers on track with what content is to be imparted. The lesson will also be differentiated which instructs how to effectively meet the needs of the varied learning styles of students in the class.

    3.Time Management- When successfully planning lessons, teachers are cautioned by the structured time how much time will be utilized to introduce, teach and assess.

    These points are necessary to consider when planning lessons for instruction and further exemplifies the importance of planning lessons.

    1. Good points Shiral all these factors mentioned are important for good or effective planning instruction.

    2. Great points Shiral...they all play an integral part in planning for instruction

  15. Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance! This acronym has been widely used in the field of business as it relates to success and is applicable to planning for instruction since it emphasizes the importance of planning. There are many reasons why teachers should plan but for the purpose of this discussion I would highlight three of (3):
    1) Lesson plans act as a guideline which gives both the teacher and students a sense of direction.Teachers can think deliberately about objectives, materials needed ,how long each activity may take ect. As for the students they will have an idea of the objectives to be achieved. Studies have shown that students who are aware of the goals to be achieved are more motivated to achieve the stated goals.

    2) Planning for instruction helps to prevent disturbances which may arise as a result of poor planning.Planning helps to maintain order within the classroom. However it is important to note that unforeseen events can arise even with good lesson plans and may require the teacher to be flexible
    3) It acts as a basis for future planning. It allows the teacher to make assessments and evaluations of herself as well as the students in an effort to improve learning outcomes

  16. I believe that every good teacher definitely plans for instruction. Planning ahead of time gives you a chance to sneak into the future, foreseeing what can and cannot be done during your lesson. It allows you to appropriately allot the time it takes to execute every objective effectively. It gives you the opportunity to cater for every child's need baring in mind their specific differences and preferences. Planning for instruction prevents you from making a fool of yourself in front of your daring students. Constructive planning prepares a teacher for a brighter tomorrow.

  17. Planning for instruction is one of, if the most important responsibility of a teacher. Preparation is key to the success of the teaching learning process. Planning for instruction simply means that teachers prepare for each lesson by creating lesson plans and coming up with specific objectives that are appropriate for the topic being taught, while incorporating different strategies and activities that target student learning.

    Each class differs in reference to the students and classroom environment. The students differ in terms of their learning styles, background, prior knowledge and cognitive level. It is the duty of the teacher to take into account each type of student and their differences and plan their lesson before hand accordingly, in order to reach each type of learner. Without proper planning the teacher will enter the classroom and be completely lost. The lesson being taught will not be effective, the students will not be reached and therefore they will be distracted and not actively engage in the class.

    Planning also affects how students will be evaluated. Assessments of the day's lesson will give the teacher an idea as to how well the students grasped the content that was taught and their ability to apply the knowledge they received. Without proper planning the teacher would not be able to effectively assess the students based on the objectives to be covered in the lesson. In the reading, it is noted that assessments do not only highlight student learning but the effectiveness of the teacher. It is a reflection of "how well the teacher taught."

    Planning for instruction also eliminates lags and idle time during the lesson. It allows for a smooth flow for the time allotted for the class. During preparation the teacher should clearly create specific objectives and create activities that will carry out those objectives in the time allotted. Students need to be actively engaged throughout the entire lesson in order to eliminate disruptions and chaos.

    Planning for instruction all in all is extremely important for a teacher to be successful in the teaching profession. It ultimately gives the teacher a certain level of confidence when delivering each lesson.

  18. Planning for instruction is very important for any teacher, if she or she hopes to successfully achieve desired goals and objectives. Three particular reasons as to why planning for instruction plays such a vital role in a lesson are:

    1) It is very important that a teacher anticipates an estimated time frame, that the lesson and included activities will last for. If the teacher fails to plan a lesson with proper time management, he or she runs the risk of either running out of time or not having enough activities to consume the allotted time.

    2) A teacher should also plan for instruction ensuring that the lesson flows in an orderly manner. It is important that the teacher has a vivid plan of how the lesson should be successfully completed. For example which activities should be completed first and last, as well as the most suitable materials to be utilized and when.It is especially important that the teacher bears these key factor in mind when planning, as his/task requires the to cater to students with a variety of learning styles.

    3) An effective teacher must also take into consideration that every lesson certainly will not go exactly as plan. Therefore, when planning it is important that the teacher keeps in mind that some issues may arise. Thus, he/she must always have a back up plan in the event that the plan does not work out in ensuring that the lesson is still completed effectively.

  19. Planning for instruction is important as this will focus on the learning outcomes and each child's learning ability. The teacher must have good time management so that the lesson taught is completed in a timely manner with the essential topics/ points being focused on. The above quote " If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail" is very deep as in any profession there must be a plan plotted in order for success to reign. The use of authentic assessment is important when evaluating how students are learning and to also examine if the teachers learning objectives are met at the end of the lesson.

    However, planning ensures coverage of the curriculum throughout the academic year, etc. Educators develop high expectations for the students and therefore they choose specific teaching strategies that will help to motivate students who have different learning styles and abilities. An organized teacher will most likely have control over his/her class with little or no disruptions.

  20. I believe that it is important to plan for instruction for many very good reasons. Firstly you need to have a clear understanding of what your want students to learn at the end of your lesson, hence your need for objectives. You need to decide what materials you will require to effectively carry out your lesson. you also need to know how exactly you are going to deliver your lesson, hence your teaching strategies. It is also very important to assess your learners prior to beginning the lesson. In addition you need to consider the time it will take to execute the lesson taking into consideration unforeseen circumstances which could interrupt the lesson as well as those students who would finish the lesson before the majority of students.Plans should be made to deal with these eventualities. The methods which would be used to assess the lesson should also be planned prior to conducting the lesson. Additionally student's prior knowledge should also be taken into consideration when planning for instruction. In conclusion planning for instruction is a very critical component of effective teaching and hence the success of students.

  21. In our quest to be effective teachers we recognise that planning for instruction is vital to achieving success. Therefore the importance of planning for instructions becomes evident; these include, but are not limited to:
    The teacher is able to take into consideration important information such as the developmental stage, learning styles and capability among other important things to cater lessons to each child. This ensures that we teach our students as individuals versus just a group of adolescence; which often takes place in an unplanned lesson.
    Plans are used to guide lessons which give order to the classroom. When we plan our lessons our students will not have to wonder what comes next. They will know their learning outcomes once the objectives are clearly given. This puts students in a framework for learning. Also the teacher will feel confident in delivering their lesson since they will not be put on the spot.
    Lastly planning for instruction increases classroom management as students will be constantly engaged in the lesson. This will greatly reduce any opportunity for them to find none academic things to engage in. thus ensuring that the objectives for the lesson are met.
    So may we all endeavour to plan each lesson for the benefit of all learners.

  22. I think it s important to plan for instruction because without planning your lesson the teacher is more likely to be unorganized and stray from the topic and at the end of the lesson the students will not know what they have really learned. Also it is paramount to plan in order to achieve set objectives and goals set as well as to follow the curriculum to cover the necessary topics. Another reason for planning is so the teacher is prepared and knows what is going to take place which provides the teacher with a sense of confidence.

  23. I think in planning for instructions, teachers should put into consideration the age group of the students, how effective the lesson will be, the student's learning styles, and the learning outcome after the lesson. Teachers also should be able to be flexible, meet their objectives of the lesson, write clear lessons and at the same time meet the students interest.Lessons should be effective and create a solution instead of confusion ie making the students become puzzled or unable to understand what is being taught in class.The lessons shoul however be well organized and the ideas should create effectiveness for both the teacher and students. bearing in mind that students can notice if the teacher knows what he or she is doing and understands their work.

    1. This is so true teachers need be to fexible in in order to be effective therefore, the have to plan.

  24. Planning for instruction is using different teaching strategies to effectively instruct students in an environment that is conducive for learning.

  25. It is important to plan for instructions using appropriate objectives, materials, contents and activities to meet the level of students. This make teaching flow in a smoothe and effective manner.


  26. Reflection #1: “Planning For Instruction”

    Planning for instruction is very important if a teacher wants to be effective in the teaching process, this also plays an important role in the learning process of the student.

    Planning for instruction allows the teacher to follow the objectives set for a particular course of subject area, moreover it allows the teacher to select the appropriate tools,media and prepare the learning environment to suit the objectives for that lesson.

    The teacher will be given the task of evaluating the students to verify the level they are at, in doing this the teacher will need to plan to cater to all learning styles (audible,visual or tactile). The content or information provided should be suitable for the cognitive development of the students.

    Planning for instruction will saves time, this will make a more organised and efficient teacher. The teacher will be aware of the allotted time to complete a topic so he/she will be able to compete all required topics in preparation for assessment or evaluations.

    "He who fails to plan, plans to fail"

  27. Based on the information above I can firmly say that planning for instruction is the most vital part of a teacher's job. A prepared teacher can enter classroom filled with confidence knowing that they are 100% prepared to facilitate learning to all the different abilities/levels of students in the classroom.The teacher would have chosen appropriate activities during planning with a varying amount of strategies and skills to best meet the objectives that have to be met. After facilitating this transfer of knowledge the teacher can then confidently assess the content given and be proud of the outcome.

    1. This is not always the case though. There are teachers who can prepare excellent plans but are unable to deliver effectively.

    2. Earlyn what do you think are some of the factors that would hinder a teacher from delivering a lesson that was excellently planned.... Excellent points Cynthia

  28. Lesson Planning helps us to become an effective teacher. Three reasons why Planning for Instruction is important are
    1. it allows teachers to think about their choice of objectives, the types of activities that will be used to complete these objectives, the materials needed and the duration. with this planning, teachers will be more organised and the lesson will become more meaningful.
    2. Planning process allows teachers to evaluate their own
    knowledge with regards to the content to be taught.
    3.It is said that a teacher with a plan is a more confident teacher.A plan is a teachers guide, the teacher will know what need to be done, how and when. The plan will allow the lesson to flow smoothly instead of teachers having to flip through text book and wasting a lot of time.

  29. Reflection#1: Planning For Instruction.

    Teaching is a complex activity that involves careful preparation and planning objectives and activities on a daily, weekly and yearly basis. This ensures coverage of curriculum across a marking period, semester.

    In light of the information above, my assumption is that Planning for instruction is extremely necessary in establishing a positive learning environment. This involves careful preparation for specific lessons as well as long term planning to ensure coverage of curriculum. Taking into consideration that,
    1. Students performance and interest levels meets both the affective and cognitive domain.
    2.Approach to planning must be in differentiation at different point during the lesson ensuring that all student's needs are met. As teachers we must stretch beyond our comfort zone to incorporate different learning styles. Taking into consideration the abilities, strength, weaknesses and interests levels of students and ensuring that the objectives are measurable.
    3, Organizing time, as time management is extremely crucial in the classroom. Exercise varying techniques and strategies to ensure maximum learning time.
    4. Organizing materials in advance of instruction allows teachers to be prepared and deliver the lessons with poise and confidence. This enables teachers to gain trust and respect from students.
    The onus is on us teachers to Plan for instruction as it allows a teacher to be prepared. As quoted by Benjamin Franklin, " By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."

  30. After reading and listening to all the reasons why planning for instruction is important I have come up with my opinion about the topic.
    Planning for instruction is the process by which teachers plan objectives they hope to achieve and learning outcomes their students will achieve at the end of the lesson and the various strategies and techniques used to execute the lesson.

    When planning for instruction as teachers we must consult the curriculum so that the topic you about to teach is done at the appropriate time and in a timely manner.
    When planning we must consider student's readiness, learning styles and different learning abilities.

    In addition planning for instruction is vital because it helps teacher to direct the way in which the lesson should go , but if in the event it does not go as plan the teacher can think quickly of another strategy or activity to complete the lesson.

  31. It is important to plan for instruction because a teacher must have clear outlines and objectives of the content to be taught. A teacher must always plan to cater to the abilities and learning styles of his/her students.If there is no plan, the student's level of ability will not be tested and that child will not move to the next level. It is important for a teacher to plan,because it is a part of the teaching process and this will help the teacher to properly implement, evaluate and review these students effectively,from what were taught and to measure learning outcomes.

  32. Planning for instruction is essential and it is important to use the curriculum as a guide to ensure that I stay on track concerning the set goals and objectives.
    As a teacher, I must always take into consideration my students’ abilities, interests, attitudes, socio-economic background, learning styles/preferences and any other factor that can help or hinder their progress.
    With these in mind, I will then be able to implement the appropriate methods, strategies, materials, activities and assessments.
    Time management is also important. I should always do my best to cover the lesson within the time period given. However, I must be flexible and be able to allocate more time if necessary, given the diversity of students I may have within my classroom. I may have to spend this additional time to ensure that all students grasp the concepts so that no child is left behind.
    One of the most important reasons for planning in my opinion is referencing. This reference is used by the planner so that they can go back to see what they have covered and what they did not. They can also review their reflection to judge the students understanding of the lesson or topic. Additionally, should the teacher be absent for any reason, the facilitator who has the task of continuing the course can see exactly what has been covered or not and move forward from there.

  33. I think planning for instruction is a vital component of the teaching-learning process. Proper classroom planning will keep teachers organized and on track while teaching, thus allowing them to teach more, help students reach objectives more easily and manage less. The better prepared the teacher is, the more likely she/he will be able to handle whatever unexpectedly happens in the lesson.

    Additionally, a lesson plan helps the teacher to be more organized, it gives a sense of direction in relation to the syllabus, it helps the teacher to be more confident when delivering the lesson and it helps the teacher to plan lessons which cater for different students.

  34. It is vital for a teacher to plan for instruction for it allows teaching to run smoothly in her classroom. It enables order, organization and the relaying of factual information to the students. In addition, the students with the different learning styles with be catered for using the correct methods, strategies, activities and materials for the different assessments and evaluations. In the event that I am absent from my classroom, my plan should be accessible and and clear for anyone to follow as a substitute for the day.
