Unit 1.4 Planning for Instruction Unit Plans and Lesson Plan - Samples

Unit Plan 

In Antigua and Barbuda the Board of Education has issued a Teacher's Plan book. In the plan book there are Unit and Lesson Plan Templates.

Board of Education Teacher's Plan Book
Unit Plan Template
Lesson Plan Template

Below are a few examples of Unit Plans. Click the links to view them.

1. State of Colorado:

Colorado Department of Education. (1999-2017). Instructional Unit Samples. Department of  
     Education: Colorado, Retrieved January 4, 2017,
     from, https://www.cde.state.co.us/standardsandinstruction/instructionalunitsamples.

2. Teacher Trainees Antigua and Barbuda Unit Plans:

Lesson Plan

The Unit Plan and Lesson Plan templates used at the Teacher Education Department components may vary a little from what is outlined in the Ministry of Education Planning Book. Two examples of Unit Plans were provided above and now four examples of Lesson Plans are provided below.

Lesson Plan 1

Date:     Friday, 13th February, 2014
Class:    Grade Three                            Roll:      20          B: 7        G: 13
Subject: Science Topic:   Classification of Vertebrates
Time:    45 minutes
1.    Specific Objectives: Students will be able to
·        Define the term vertebrates
·        Categorize vertebrates into their classes
·        Discuss the similarities and differences of each class of animal

2.    Previous Knowledge/skill
·         Students know that living things are categorised into plants and animals

3.    Resources/Materials
·         Laptop, projector, video, blackboard, chalk, interactive chart of classification of animals, permanent markers, manila, ruler, comprehension passage

4.    Major understanding/principal/rule/generalisation
·         Vertebrates can be categorised into five classes.

5.    Teaching strategies/methods
·         Whole Class Discussion, Questioning, Integrating Technology

6.    Key questions
·         Do you know what vertebrates are?
·         What type of vertebrate is a...?
·         How do you know that this animal is a(n)...?

7.    Introduction 
·         Students watch a video on vertebrates

8.    Development/Procedure
·         Step 1. Students in their own words will define the term vertebrates.
·         Step 2. Students will be asked to put vertebrates into their correct class on an interactive chart
·         Step 3. Students will discuss why they think that the vertebrates placed in a class belong to that class. (The responses will be captured on a manila with columns showing similarities and differences of each class).

9.    Closure
·         Students in groups will state what are the five classes of vertebrates

10. Student’s Evaluation/Assessment
·         When students are sharing ideas during the discussion and working with the interactive chart the teacher will provide timely and appropriate feedback.

11. Follow-up
·         Homework students will be given a comprehension passage to read and answer questions to identify the five classes of vertebrates

12. Teacher’s Evaluation

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan 2

Date:     Friday, 13th February, 2014
Class:    Grade Two                           Roll:      18          B: 9        G: 9
Subject: Science Topic:   The Senses and Sense Organs
Time:    1 hour
1.    Specific Objectives: Students will be able to
·        Name the five senses
·        Distinguish between the senses and sense organ
·        Experiment with stimuli for each sense organ

2.    Previous Knowledge/skill
·         Students know that they have different parts of the body they use for different reasons.

3.    Resources/Materials
·          Blackboard, chalk, real-life objects (for touching, hearing, smelling, seeing, and tasting), baskets, cups, etc.

4.    Major understanding/principal/rule/generalisation
·         There are five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch.
·         The sense organs are: eyes, ears, tongue, nose and skin.

5.    Teaching strategies/methods
·         Discussion, Questioning, Discovery Learning, Experimentation

6.    Key questions
·         Who knows what we use our skin, eyes, nose, tongue and ears to do?
·         What are our senses?
·         What are our sense organs?
·         Can you tell us what you used to taste, smell, feel, see, and hear.

7.    Introduction
·         Song “Be careful little eyes what you see ...” with variations to the words.

8.    Development/Procedure
·         Step 1. Students will answer questions about the song to elicit what are the five senses.
·         Step 2. Students will discuss the difference between senses and sense organs
·         Step 3. Students will then be given the opportunity to explore different real-life-objects to see which ones cause them to see, touch, smell, taste and hear.

9.    Closure
·         At least one boy and one girl will state something new they have learnt from the lesson.

10. Student’s Evaluation/Assessment
·         The teacher will observe students as they explore the different real-life objects and see if they are using the correct organ.

11. Follow-up
·         In the next lesson students will focus on the sense of sight.

12. Teacher’s Evaluation

Lesson Plan 

Lesson Plan 3

Date:     Friday, 13th February, 2014
Class:    Grade Three                           Roll:      12          B: 5        G: 7
Subject: Social Studies Topic:   Leaders in the community
Time:    30 minutes
1.    Specific Objectives: Students will be able to
·        Define who is a leader
·        Give examples of leaders in the community
·        Discuss the characteristics of community leaders

2.    Previous Knowledge/skill
·         There are people in our community that are called leaders.

3.    Resources/Materials
·         Pictures, masking tape, scissors, blackboard, chalk

4.    Major understanding/principal/rule/generalisation
·         Anyone can be a leader by setting a good example for others.
·         In our community there are persons who are responsible, trustworthy, respectful, treat others fairly and therefore they are called leaders.
·         Community leaders take responsibility of the well-being and improvement of their community.
·         A community is a group of people living in the same place and have some things in common.

5.    Teaching strategies/methods
·         Brainstorming, Discussion, Questioning

6.    Key questions
·         Who is a leader?
·         What is a community?
·         Who is a community leader?
·         Why do we consider these persons leaders of the community?
·         Are you a community leader?
7.    Introduction 
 Students will be asked to name some persons in their community who they think are leaders. Pictures of different types of leaders in the community will be placed on the board: they will identify persons who they know as these types of leaders e.g. pastor, teacher, coach, parent, student, etc.

8.    Development/Procedure
·         Step 1. Students will be asked to state what each person does and who benefits from what they do.
·         Step 2. The class will then discuss if these persons are leaders within their community and why.
·         Step 3. Students will outline the qualities of a good leader.

9.    Closure
·         The students will give a positive statement that will help others to define them as leaders.

10. Student’s Evaluation/Assessment
·         Students’ participation will be observed and appropriate feedback will be given by the teacher.

11. Follow-up
·         Students will write a paragraph on, ‘Yes, I am a leader!’

12. Teacher’s Evaluation

Lesson Plan 

Lesson Plan 4

Date:     Friday, 13th February, 2014
Class:    Grade One                   Roll:      28          B: 13       G: 15
Subject: Social Studies              Topic:   The Family
Time:    40 minutes
1.    Specific Objectives: Students will be able to
·        Identify the people in their family
·        Compare and contrast their family with another classmates family
·        Finger-play their family members

2.    Previous Knowledge/skill
·         Students know that they have a family.

3.    Resources/Materials
·         Fingers, words for finger play, markers, plain sheets of paper, pencils, crayons

4.    Major understanding/principal/rule/generalisation
·         Everyone belongs to a family.

5.    Teaching strategies/methods
·         Finger-play, Discussion, Question and Answer

6.    Key questions
·         How many persons are in their family?
·         Who are the members in their family: mother, father, sister/brother, and baby?
7.    Introduction
This is a family
Let’s count them and see
How many there are
And who they can be

This is the mother     (pointer)
Who loves everyone
And this is the father  (big finger)
Who is lots of fun.

This is my sister      (ring finger)
She helps and she plays
And this is the baby  (little finger)
He’s growing each day.
But what about this one?  (thumb)
Who can he be
Why it’s Andrew
And he is me!

8.    Development/Procedure
·         Step 1. Students will say how many persons they have in their family.
·         Step 2. Students will state who the members in their family are.
·         Step 3. Students will draw their family.
·         Step 4. Students will share their drawing and see how their family is different from another person’s family in the class.
·         Step 5. Students will then finger-play their family members with the guidance of the teacher.

9.    Closure
·          The teacher will ask them to say I belong to a family.

10. Student’s Evaluation/Assessment
·         Students’ drawing of their family.

11. Follow-up
·         Students will bring a photo of their family to the next class.

12. Teacher’s Evaluation


  1. Write a Unit Plan for a Grade/Level for a Subject Area,  with a specific Topic for four Lessons over a Duration of two weeks. (50 marks)
  2. Write one lesson plan from the same Unit Plan created using the Lesson Plan Template provided. (50 marks)
                       Total: 100 marks


  1. It would have been nice to see a mathematics and language sample plan.

  2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4Al-C80zIgddUVlREtTZ0E1WTg/view?usp=sharing
    Please view in your URL to see Unit and Lesson Plan

  3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-HxBoyu_EtPYk13OGNZc3VMVmFrUjRPT0V5RF9xNmdBdDU4/view?usp=sharingPlease view in your URL to see Unit and lesson Plan

    February 5, 2017

  4. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ilLxXiZ9KVU1lXOHVLTUZleEU

    1. Hello,

      Thank you for sharing. May you please process this document and upload it to the group email blog on the Processing Document page.

      Thanking you,

  5. Please copy and paste this link in URL to view my unit /lesson plan.https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B041dQ5OSu3mS25Wc0I3WFN0OWs

  6. Please view my lesson and unit plan.

  7. Please copy and paste this link in the URL to view my Unit and Lesson plan

  8. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W2VN5Hq0LgJgNrD72Cbm_4Hty8esjFNh6N5-uRAIqak/edit


    Please use links to view lesson plans and unit plan

  9. Please use these links to view lesson and unit plans:

  10. View lesson and unit plan here : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_pEO2AJzSnCdXFZUG5wU0h1Zmc/view?usp=sharing

    1. see revised version here https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_pEO2AJzSnCbEVDdUtBMXJFZDg/view?usp=sharing

  11. view my unit and lesson plan here

  12. Good DAY , PLEASE FIND ATTACHED THE LINKS FOR MY Lesson Plan and Unit Plan

  13. Please view attachment

    1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2eY0wWNG0S1cWVzZHFQSUdkZFU/view?usp=sharing Please view revised Lesson and Unit Plan attachment.

  14. Goodday Mrs. Roberts please view my unit and lesson plans from links attached.

  15. Good Day please see the two attachments of Unit Plan and Lesson Plan:



  16. Greetings All,

    Please view my unit plan and lesson plan for a 1st form French class here:



    Thank you.


  17. The following link is a Unit plan for 4 lesson on Social Studies and a Lesson plan on Individuals in a group for a grade 2 class.


  18. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-HxBoyu_EtPRHUtWlB6eHhhNEk

    1. Hello,

      Thank you for sharing. Please also post on the EDET blog.

      Thanking you,


  19. please copy and paste link into your url bar to view lesson and unit plan

  20. please copy and paste link to view unit plan and lesson plan.


    1. Hello,

      Thank you for sharing. Please also post on the EDET blog.

      Thanking you,


  21. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0vK-0wkafnzdHBpZFFSUHlVSTBrRWM5THZlYjJEY01QUEVJ
    please view lesson and unit plan I never received an invitation to the edet blog, hence me posting here

    1. Hello,

      Thank you for sharing. Please also post on the EDET blog.

      Thanking you,


  22. here is a link to my unit and lesson plan: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1LaBPkbOfNLb2NkaVpRRUE5R2s

  23. Please view my Unit Plan and Lesson Plan, I apologize for the late submission.


  24. Replies
    1. Good day,

      Please view revised unit plan and lesson plan at the link below.



  25. Please view my Unit and Lesson plan

  26. Replies
    1. Hello please look at the corrections made to my lesson and unit plan.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Hello,
    Please view an updated processed lesson plan

  29. Greetings All,
    Please view processed Unit & Lesson Plans here:

